Ulstein Verft AS
Established 1917. The company builds and delivers special-purpose vessels mainly targeting offshore energy. Typical projects involve the construction of advanced vessels with a high degree of outfitting, which requires project management expertise, technical know-how and system integration capabilities. Certified according to ISO 9001:2015 (Quality) and ISO 14001:2015 (Environment)
P.O Box 158, NO-6067 Ulsteinvik
Organisation number 912447561
Our unique expertise in engineering, installation and commissioning is well exploited in our aftermarket services, where we deliver all types of conversions, repairs and dry dockings. The company is, together with Ulstein Elektro Installasjon, part of the Shipbuilding business area in ULSTEIN and provides the highest standards of quality, execution and delivery precision.

Lars Lühr Olsen
- Description
- Managing Director
- Affiliation
- Ulstein Verft AS

Knut L. Barstad
- Description
- Deputy Managing Director
- Affiliation
- Ulstein Verft AS

Johnny Myklebust
- Description
- Sales Manager Newbuild
- Affiliation
- Ulstein Verft AS

Martin Sundgot Hansen
- Description
- Sales Manager Aftermarket
- Affiliation
- Ulstein Verft AS

Marita Myrvågnes
- Description
- Area Sales Manager Aftermarket
- Affiliation
- Ulstein Verft AS

Anna Goksøyr
- Description
- HR Manager
- Affiliation
- Ulstein Verft AS

Inge Sleipnes
- Description
- Supply Chain Manager
- Affiliation
- Ulstein Verft AS

Jostein Sørnes
- Description
- Section leader Heavy Lift/NDT operator
- Affiliation
- Ulstein Verft AS

Jan Ove Finnes Sørensen
- Description
- Head of HSE
- Affiliation
- Ulstein Verft AS