Rx104 Gray Sea Sb Fore Above


We offer state-of-the-art ship design and equipment package solutions for RoPax customers worldwide. Our RoPax vessels have the highest seakeeping standards with sustainable travelling in mind.

How we can help

When investing in a newbuild project, we know that many uncertainties can slow down decision processes and cause delays. Through our experience, we help to reduce those uncertainties and ensure a smooth and successful project together.

Provide helpful analysis
Market, fleet and investment insights.
Proven ship design
Well-known Norwegian design and quality.
Design and equipment packages
Increase project economy through shorter newbuild delivery time.
Global shipbuilding experience
Partner yards worldwide.
Shipbuilding at our own yard
Compact and efficient in a world-leading maritime cluster. Delivery on time to the agreed price and quality.
Rx102 Ulstein Pax

Find your favourite

Our RoPax vessels have the highest seakeeping standards with sustainable travelling in mind.

Color Hybrid On Sea Trial, photo Uavpic.

Shipbuilding excellency

The innovative Color Line plug-in hybrid vessel, the 'Color Hybrid', was appointed 'Ship of the Year 2019'. Ulstein Verft delivered the vessel to ship owner Color Line in 2019, and she is now servicing the Sandefjord - Strömstad route.

Adventure: Explore other vessel types


Yacht and yacht support

Features and news articles

Get in touch

Lars Ståle Skoge DSC4468 comp bw

Lars Ståle Skoge

Commercial Director
Ulstein Design & Solutions AS
Lars Ståle Skoge DSC4468 comp bw

Lars Ståle Skoge

Commercial Director

Ulstein Design & Solutions AS