Yno 205 - Håkon
Yard no 205 built 1987 by Ulstein Hatlø AS, Norway for Gjøgur H.F., v/Gudmmundur Torbjørnsson, Grenivik. Island.

The Vessel is designed by Skipsteknisk AS and Ulstein Trading Ltd. AS in co-operation, and built at Ulstein Hatlø Yard, division Ulstein, to Det norske Veritas Class +1A1 - Fishing Vessel - Stern Trawler - S - Ice C, and to the satisfaction of the rules and regulations of the Siglingamalastofrun Rikisins (Icelandic Maritime Directorate).
The vessel is a combined purse seiner/stern trawler. It is intended for catching prawns by trawling and herring/ capelan by purse seining under severe conditions in Icelandic waters.
Length over all: 57,45 m
Length between p.p: 49,00 m
Moulded breath: 12,50 m
Moulded breath: 12,50 m
Moulded depth to main deck: 5,25 m
Moulded depth to shelter deck: 7,75 m
Max. draft: 6,50 m
Speed: 14 knop
Bollard Pull: 43 ton
Main Engines: Bergen Diesel, 2205 kW
Other ship name: "Askell", "Birtingur", "Erika"
2001: Renamed "Askell"
2008: Renamed "Birtingur"
2009: Renamed "Erika"
2017: Fortsatt aktiv - IMO 8701909. Owner and operator: Sildarvinnslan, Neskaupstadur, Iceland. Flag: Marokko