Fortitude (originally Toisa Patroklos), a multipurpose offshore construction vessel (MOCV) of the HX102 design with a main crane capacity of 900t. The DP3 vessel is designed for worldwide operations in the oil and gas sector, ultra-deepwater installation and construction, as well as pipelay and heavy lift support.
Primary Specifications
Additional Data
IMO Number: 9687057
Ship history
Toisa was the first to order a customised Deepwater Enabler (HX102 design) newbuild, at Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) in Korea.
The vessel is optimised for the installation of flexibles, umbilicals, manifolds, jumpers and other subsea production system components; Fortitude is fitted with two high-capacity active heave compensated offshore cranes (900 t and 200 t, respectively) and moon pools for all-weather ROV operations.
The vessel design has been developed for maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness, featuring heavy lift capabilities with active heave compensation, two moon pools, and up to 50t/m2 deck strength in key areas. The design includes several key features that give maximum capability and flexibility. These features include an AHC offshore crane rated at 900 tonnes SWL (Safe Working Load) with a depth capability of 3,500 metres and a 200-tonne SWL knuckleboom crane with a 2,000-metre depth capability.
Furthermore, there is an enclosed ROV hangar for deploying two large work class deep-water ROVs, over-the-side launch and recovery systems, and tether management systems at depths up to 4,000 m.The moon pool is also arranged to allow the deployment of a deck-mounted saturation diving bell.
Full compliance with the SPS Code is a fundamental design principle, which includes arrangements to meet Comfort Class COMF-V(3), the highest working environment standard.
The deck area is designed to provide optimised clear space for installing project equipment, such as pipelay spreads, and for carrying and deploying heavy offshore equipment.
Allseas bought the vessel in 2018 and renamed it 'Fortitude'. The ship would predominantly work as an Offshore Support Vessel for Allseas' flagship, the 'Pioneering Spirit', which was fully booked with work on the first part of the Turkstream pipeline across the Black Sea. The Pioneering Spirit would then head to Norway for its first installation project, Johan Castberg Topside, in the summer of 2018 before returning to complete the second part of Turkstream. With three MacGreogor knuckle-boom cranes on deck and the ULSTEIN X-BOW design, the 'Fortitude' is a well-selected choice to support the Allseas fleet of sophisticated pipe-lay vessels (source: www.heavyliftnews.com).
Later assignments in the North Sea include activities in the Danish, Dutch, and Norwegian parts of the North Sea and the Nord Stream 2 project in the Baltic Sea.
From 2020 onwards, the vessel has been involved in several projects in Malaysia/the Philippines and Australia.
One example: In 2021, the Fortitude had completed its first deepwater installation campaign at Chevron's Gorgon field offshore Western Australia. The vessel was now deployed for Gorgon Stage 2 (GS2) in the North West Shelf, which involved offshore installation of 11 vertical subsea production trees, over 46 km of production pipelines, nearly 29 km of control umbilicals and 2,840 tonnes of subsea structures at Gorgon and Jansz-Io fields. In addition to providing pipelay support to Allseas' pipelay vessel Audacia, Fortitude also installed subsea structures, including manifolds weighing 500 tonnes in 1,320 m (4,331 ft) water depth.
The vessel then headed to the Santos-operated Sinbad field in the North Carnarvon Basin, where it would undertake its first platform removal scope.
Allseas uses the Fortitude as a support vessel to the Pioneering Spirit.