The platform supply vessel Normand Aurora of the P105 design.

Normand Aurora (Atlantica Supplier)

New name: Atlantica Supplier. A relatively large platform supply vessel of the ULSTEIN P105 design, designed to carry a cargo of close to 5,000 tonnes, of which 2,840 tonnes as deck cargo. The vessel has a diesel-electric propulsion system. The first vessel of ULSTEIN design to be sold outside Ulstein's own yard.

Owned By
Atlantic Shipping AS
Built By
Partner yard
IMO Number

Primary Specifications

86 m
19 m
Dead weight
4700 tonnes
Speed (max)
13 kn
26 POB
Deck area
1010 sqm

Additional Data

Deck cargo
2840 t
Fresh water
810 cbm
Drill water
2300 cbm
400 cbm
970 cbm
Note: Specifications may have changed since the original completion date.
Classifications: DNV+1A1, SF, E0, DYNPOS-AUTR, CleanDesign, NAUT-OSV(A), COMF-V(3), DK(+), HL(+), ICE-C, OffshoreServiceVessel

Ship history


Ulstein Group dates back to 1917, but a major change happened in 1999 when parts of the company were sold to Vickers (later acquired by Rolls-Royce). A clause in the sales contract, lasting until 2004, stated that Ulstein's ship designs were prohibited to sell for construction at other yards than Ulstein Verft. 

The first Ulstein-designed vessel to be built externally after those five years was the 'Normand Aurora', delivered from the Dutch shipyard Merwede in 2005. All the design drawings were delivered by Ulstein Design & Solutions, together with an extensive equipment package. 

"It was important to Merwede that Ulstein's design company is part of an active shipyard. They work closely with the yard, from which they receive continuous feedback. In this way a design can evolve in line with the yard's suggestions and requirements", stated Peter van der Poel, Merwede's project manager. Merwede dates back to 1902, and 'Normand Aurora' was the first vessel this yard had not designed itself.

From June 2017, Deep Sea Supply, Solstad Shipping and Farstad Shipping became one joint shipowning company, from 1 October 2018 the joint company is named Solstad Offshore.

July 2022: Normand Aurora was sold to Atlantic Shipping AS and changed the name to Atlantica Supplier.

IMO 9329435


Ulstein Group har ei historie som daterer seg tilbake til 1917, men ei stor endring skjedde i 1999, då delar av selskapet vart seld til Vickers (som seinare vart oppkjøpt av Rolls-Royce). Ein klausul i salskontrakten innebar at Ulstein sine skispdesign ikkje kunne seljast for bygging utanom eige verft før etter fem år, det vil seie i 2004.

Det første designet av ULSTEIN-design som vart bygd eksternt etter dette, var 'Normand Aurora', levert frå det nederlandske verftet Merwede i 2005. Alle designteikningane vart leverte av Ulstein Design & Solutions, saman med ei omfattande utstyrspakke.

- Det var viktig for Merwede at Ulstein sitt designselskap ligg i tilknyting til eit aktivt skipsverft. Dei samarbeider nært med verftet, som dei får kontinuerlege tilbakemeldingar frå. På denne måten kan eit design utvikle seg i samsvar med verftet sine framlegg og behov, fortalde Peter van der Poel, Merwede sin prosjektleiar. Merwede har ei historie tilbake til 1902, og 'Normand Aurora' var det første skipet som dette verftet ikkje sjølv hadde designa.

I juni 2017 slo Deep Sea Supply, Solstad Shipping og Farstad Shipping seg saman til eitt reiarlag, som frå 1. oktober 2018 ber namnet Solstad Offshore.

I juli 2022: Normand Aurora blei solgt til Atlantic Shipping AS og fekk navnet Atlantica Supplier.