Polar Circle
On 10 December 1990, the 'Polar Circle' was delivered from Ulstein Hatlø. The combined passenger vessel/research vessel entered the cruise traffic in January 1991, going to polar areas from Chile. The shipyard was later awarded the 'Outstanding Oceangoing Shipbuilder Award 1991' for the construction of this vessel.
Ship history
Hull no 215 built 1990 by Ulstein Hatlø AS, Norway for Polar Circle KS, c/o Rieber Shipping AS. The vessel was designed by Rieber Shipping AS in co-operation with
- ULSTEIN HATLØ - Engineering and construction
- Skipskonsulent AS - Project Calculation
- Marintek AS - Hull Design
- Arkitektfirmaet Arnstein Arneberg AS - Interior lay-out
Other name: "HMS Polar Circle", "HMS Endurance"
1991-2008: The boat was chartered by the Royal British Navy
1993: Renamed "HMS Endurance"
2008: The boat got flooding in the engine area and was towed to Punta Arena
2009: Transported to Portsmouth
2016: Towed to a shipyard in Turkey.
2023: Still activeIMO 9319997
DnV + 1A1 - Passenger Ship - Icebreaker ICE 05-HELIDK - E0 - ICS - NAUT B/W1 - OC with class notation bis-tmon, for worldwide operation.
Length over all: 91,00 m
Length between p.p: 82,50 m
Breadth moulded: 17,90 m
Depth B-deck: 9,30 m
Design draught: 6,50 m
Gross tonnage: 5129 GRT
Net tonnage: 1538 NRT
A wide range of model tests have been carried out at MARINTEK in Trondheim and HSVA in Hamburg.
These tests include:
- Flow visualisation
- Calm water tests
- Cavitation tunnel tests
- Ice-breaking tests
- Sea keeping tests
Being a research vessel as well as passenger ship, great efforts have been made to secure low levels of noise and vibrations inboard the ship as well as to low levels on the noise radiated into the water.
Fuel oil: 1855,1 m3
Fresh water: 262,2 m3
Ballast water: 1286,0 m3
Cargo Hold: 2505,9 m3
Jet fuel: 112,6 m3
Trial speed: 14,9 knots
1 BERGEN DIESEL BRG-8 Main engines output: 3000 kW at 750 rpm
2 Mitsubishi auxiliary engines output: 605 kW at 1800 rpm
ULSTEIN PROPELLER propeller plant:
F-1465 1250/4S, 4-bladet, diam. 4000 mm output 6000 kW
Main gear: Renk-Tacke NDSHQL-2800
ULSTEIN Propeller nozzle D-165, diam. 4040 mm protected by ice deflector fins.
ULSTEIN Well dim. rudder with ice knife
ULSTEIN Bow thruster: 375TV, output 800 kW
ULSTEIN Stern thruster: 150TV, output 580 kW
Tenfjord Steering gear
Leroy Somer shaft generators output 1980 kW
Leroy Somer auxiliary generator
Leroy Somer emergency generator set
Alfa Laval freshwater generator:
2 off, each capacity 25 25 m3 / 24h
PEILO Switchboard and consoles
PEILO Main and utility switchboards
PEILO Engine room consoles
PEILO Bridge consoles (designed for DnV class NAUT B/W1-OC)
Merlin Gerin motor control centers
Merlin Gerin moulded case circuit-breakers for
main switchboard and distribution boards.
Valmet Automation AS: Type Damatic
The system is configured as follows:
- Mode Selection System for selection of operation mode
- Machinery Control System including remote control
- Alarm and Monitoring System including event logging
- Power Management System for control and operation of two aux. generators and two shaft generators
Remote Control of pumps and valves in:
- SW and FW cooling water system
- bilge and ballast water system
- fuel oil systems
- Temperature Controllers for freshwater high temp. and low temp. circuits
- Temperature Controller for salt water cooling circuit
- Interfacing to PEILO DATASOUND remote tank sounding system
Provision crane Hagglunds-MTT AS: SWL = 2 t
Main crane Hagglunds-MTT AS: SWL = 27 t
Alt. deck crane Hagglunds-MTT AS: SWL = 5 t
Macgregor-Navire cargo hatch lightopen 19500 x 8000
Macgregor-Navire provision hatches lightopening 2250 x 2250 (5pcs)
STAHL HEISER lift: load 750 kg / 10 persons,
speed 0,2 - 0,9 m / s 6 stops, total height 14,1 m
Mooring & Anchor Equipment
Windlass Odim AS
Hawserwinch Odim As
Capstan Odim AS: 5 t
Stockless anchors: SPEK, each 3115 kg (3 pcs)
19 lengths, 27 m each, total 522,5 m
Satellite communication system:
- JRC JUE - 45A (Standard A)
- JRC JUE - 75A (Standard C)
Skanti Radiotel, station: TRP 8750 (2 pcs)
Thrane & Thrane radiotelex: TT-1601 A
Sailor VHF radioes: RT 2047 (2 pcs)
Water Dittel VHF radio
Tron Emergency beacon 1K (2 pcs)
Jotron helicopt. VHF AM transceiver: TR-6102
Motorola port UHF radioes: MX-1000 (4 pcs)
Tayio radio direction finder: TD-Ce18
- JRC/Raytheon X-band: AFPA 3425/9-XU
- JRC/Raytheon S-band: ARPA 3410/12-SU
- JRC Ice radar: JMA-3510S-10
Robertson chartplotter system JRC/Raytheon
GPS navigator: Raystar 920
JRC/Raytheon Loran C navigator: Raynav 780
Racal Decca navigator: Decca 53
Robertson autopilot system: APg MKII
Anschutz gyrocompasses (2pcs): Standard 14
Simrad scientific echo sounder: EA 500
Furuno sonar: CH-12
JRC navigation echo sonar: JFE570S
Ben Als electromagnetic log: 48
Viking liferafts: DKF20, 15 persons (2 pcs)
Norsafe lifeboats: TELB "Miriam", length 8,85 m 65 persons ( 2 pcs)
Norpower mob boat, length 25: 9 persons
DSB Aqua-safe mob boat 420: 9 persons
Dry laboratory: 66,6 m3 (716,9 ft2)
Wet laboratory: 35,2 m3 (378,9 ft2)
Aft.deck: 226,7 m3 (2440,3 ft2)
Scientific stores: 174,4 m3 (1877,3 ft2)
Quarter deck: 196,5 m3 (2115,2 ft2)
A-frame Hydralift: SWL 20 t
Sonar compartment for installation of bottom equipment
4 single cabins
41 double cabins
3 3-passengers cabins
TOTAL: 95 passengers
Public Area
Antarctic Seasons Restaurant: 96 seats
Polar Circle Lounge w.bar: 46 seats
Antarctic Ocean Lounge: 20 seats
Marco Polo Lounge: 24 seats
Leiv Eiriksson Library: 13 seats
Discovery Room w.bar: 48 seats
10 single cabins
5 double cabins
5 3-crew cabins
TOTAL: 35 persons
Crew Areas
Crew's mess 12 seats
Crew's dayroom: 23 seats
Other Facilities: Sauna, Exercise room, Hospital, Infirmary