Yno 220 - Alaska Ocean
Hull no 220 built 1990 by Ulstein Hatlø AS, Norway for Alaska Ocean Seafood, L.P. Anacortes, Washington, USA
The vessel is a Surimi Factory Trawler
The conversion is designed by Guido Perla Associates Inc. and executed by Ulstein Hatlø AS. The vessel confirms to Det Norske Veritas + 1A1 - Ice C - Stern Trawler - E0 - Reefer - Unrestricted Service with unmanned engine room and SOLAS 1974 (1983)
Ship history
This was probably the largest and most luxurious of all surimi trawler Ulstein Hatlø delivered. It had Stressless chairs in cabins, bath, bar and cinema with 60 seats. The boat could fish about 500 tons a day. Surimi factory could take away approx 100 tons per. day and night. Price approx. 400 mill. NOK.
Other shipnames: "State Express"
2017: Still active - IMO 8030477. Owner and manager: Glacier Fish, Seattle WA, USA. Flag: Seattle WA, USA
Dette var vel den største og mest luksuriøse av alle surimitrålerne Ulstein Hatlø leverte. Den hadde stressless-stolar i lugarane, badekar, bar og kinosal med 60 sitteplassar. Båten kunne fiske ca. 500 tonn i døgnet. Surimifabrikken kunne ta unna ca. 100 tonn pr. døgn. Pris ca. 400 mill. kr.
Andre skipsnamn: "State Express"
2017: Forsatt aktiv - IMO 8030477. Eigar og driverselskap: Glacier Fish, Seattle WA, USA. Flagg: Seattle WA, USA.
Length over all: 114,60 m
Length between p.p.: 104,85 m
Breath moulded: 18,29 m
Depth Main Deck: 8,23 m
Depth Upper Deck: 11,43 m
Design Draught: 6,71 m
Deadweight: appox. 5000 t
Fuel oil: approx. 1676 m3
Fresh water: approx. 677 m3
Ballast water: approx. 1230 m3
Cargo hold: approx. 3930 m3
Fish meal hold: approx. 816 m3
Trial speed: 14 knots
Main Engine MaK type 8M 551
1 x 4600 kW (6250 HP) at 450 rpm
ULSTEIN main gear type: 2400 AGSC
ULSTEIN C.P. Propeller:
Ø4100 kW (140 rpm, 4600 kW
ULSTEIN Propeller Nozzle
ULSTEIN High-Lift Flap Rudder
Tenfjord Steering Gear type 1-18M300/2GM620-FU
ULSTEIN Bow Thruster 1 x 150 TV - 600 HP
Auxillary Engines MaK type 8 m 332
3 x 1600 kW (2176 HP) at 900 rpm
Auxillary Generators AV Kaick type DODBN
131 i/8 3 x 1536 kW (1912 kVA) at 900 rpm
Emegency Generator Engine Caterpillar
type 3306 T. 1 x 184 kW (247 HP) at 1800 rpm.
Emergency Generator Caterpillar type SR4
1 x 150 kW (188 kVA) at 1800 rpm.
Windlass 1 x 12,7 tonnes
Trawl winches 2 x 49 tonnes
Intermediate Gilson Winches 2 x 49 tonnes
Net winches: 2 x 31,6 tonnes
Gilson winches: 2 x 50,5 tonnes
Cod end winches: 2 x 16,0 tonnes
Outhaul winches: 1 x 6,0 tonnes
Utility winches: 4 x 2,0 tonnes
Mooring winches: 4 x 10,0 tonnes
Cargo winches: 4 x 11,5 tonnes
Topping winches: 2 x 6,5 tonnes
Stewing winches: 2 x 6,5 tonnes
Net sounder winches: 2 x 13,3 tonnes
Cargo Refrigeration Plant
Provision Cooling Plant
Processing Conveyors
Processing Water Maker: 400 t / 24 h Steam Boilers
2 off Sperry Radars 3400 m
2 off Furuno colours plotters GD-180
1 off Furuno current dopler CI-30
2 off Northstar Loran / GPS 9400
1 off Robertson Shipmate Satnav
1 off Sperry Satcomm. mCS213
2 off Skanti SSB Radiotelephone TRP-8258-S
2 off Skanti VHF 3000
1 off Sailor Tandem Telegraphy Station
1 off Taiyo ADF TD-L1620 (VHF)
1 off Taiyo ADF-TD-C33hHS (MF/HF)
1 off Intech Watch Receiver 1511
1 off Furuno Weather Fax Fax-214
1 off Furuno oceanographic Display SU-18
2 off Furuno Colour Sounder FCV-140
1 off Furuno Paper Sounder FEW-822
1 off Furuno Sonar CSH-20
2 off Simrad Net Sounder F2-3300
1 off Norwinch Autotrawl
1 off Furuno Wireless Net Sounder CN-14
Accommodation for 93 persons in:
11 single cabins
31 double cabins
5 4-men cabins