Yno 232 - Western Regent

Hull No. 232 built 1992 by Ulstein Verft AS. The UT 747 seismic research vessel was designed by Ulstein International AS in close cooperation with Western Geophysical Company, a subsidiary of Western Atlas International Inc.

Yno 232 Western Regent

In 1992, the UT 747 concept had been designed in compliance with advanced and demanding requirements, setting a new dimension into the industry. The design provided an extremely stable and silent working platform, comprising provision for comprehensive seismic equipment packages and spacious computer processing facilities. The vessel is powered by a centralized diesel electric power plant, propulsion and compressors are all electrically driven, giving a high level of availability and redundancy. Hydro acoustic noise is carefully controlled. Special measures were taken from the design stage and throughout the building program in order to ensure the very low noise level. All major rotating machinery installations are resiliently mounted, and vibration characteristics of the steel structure and hull is made without interference from machinery and propulsion plant.

Ship history

2016: Still active - IMO 9017757. New name: 'Elsa Regent'. Owner Westerngeco, London, UK. Manager: Westerngeco, Tanager, Norway. Flag: Panama

Ship characteristics at time of delivery:


The vessel is built to Det norske Veritas Class +1A1, ICE-C, E0, HELDK, and to international rules and regulations as applicable for the subject type of vessel. Further the vessel satisfies IMO Res. A.468 (XII) as a general maximum noise level, with additional reduction of noise level in laboratories and related areas.


Length over all 92,5 m 
Length between pp 80,0 m 
Breadth moulded 20,0 m 
Depth Main Deck 9,0 m 
Design draught 6,4 m 
Scantling draught 6,9 m


Gross tonnage (1969) below 5200 GRT 
DW (6,4 m) approx 2250 tonnes 
DW (6,9 m) approx 2925 tonnes 
Fuel oil (Incl. tks) approx 1600 m3 
WB approx 995 m3 
FW approx 150 m3 
Cable oil, clean oil 20 m3 
Cable oil, dirty oil 20 m3 
Work deck area (Main deck) 1175 m2 (12650 Sq.ft) 
Recording room area 273 m2 
Helideck CAA/DnV


Accommodation 61 persons in total, of which: 
- 5 suits with dayroom, bedroom and bathroom 
- 2 one-man cabins 
- 16 two-man cabins 
- 11 two-man bedrooms, attached to day rooms 
- 1 two-bed hospital


Trial Speed (5,5 m) 16,0 knots 
Design pull, 5 kn 40 tonnes


Bergen Diesel 
Main gen sets 3 x BD 32 G8, each of 3200kW/6600V/60Hz


Ulstein Propeller 
Twin screw propulsion comprimizing 2 x 2500 AGSC-2T 
Controllable pitch propulsiion plants, each with Low noise, 4 bladed scewed CP-propeller, driven through a single input, single output reduction gearbox. 
1 off Bow thruster 150 TV, 800 Hp el. driven 
2 off High lift rudders 
2 off Passive stab tank sys. 
2 off Main Propeller motors 2700kW/6600/60Hz 2-speed 
1 off Aux generator Cummins 600kW/6600/60Hz 
2 off Clean power 60 kW/230V/60Hz 
3 off Air compressors, El-driven Ariel capacity 2200 SCFM 
2 off Life boats, 61 persons Life rafts as per Solas 
1 off MOB 23 
1 off Work Boat


Windlasses: Type AV-45/50-4G K3


Ulstein Marine Electronics 
Electric remote control system main Propeller 
Joystick control system 
Electronic remote control system 
Bow thruster 
Bridge control consoles 
Engine room console 
Starters for e.motor 
El-test board 
Engine room telegraph 
Microprocessor based alarm system (with dead man system and printers) 
Roll indicator


Radio Equipment 
Inmarsat JRC JUE 45A MKI Voice/Telec/Fax 
Skanti TT 32oo Radio Telex System 
Skanti 3000 (2) 
Skanti RT 2047 
Jotron Ground to Aircraft 
Panasonic 450 MHZ Cellular Telephone 
Trane & Trane standard C inmarsat


Navigation / Equipment 
Radar Furuno FAR-2822 X-band 
Radar Furuno FAR 2830S S-band 
Tokyo Keiko Gyrokompass system 
Roberson AP9 MKII Autopilot 
Furuno FSN-50 Transitt Satelitt 
Furuno LC GP500 GPS Satelitt 
Furuno FD 525 VHF 
Furuno TDC-318 Direction Finder 
Furuno Fax 208A Weather faxmile RCVR 
Ben Marine Electromagnetic Log