Yno 249 - Far Santana
Hull No. 249 built in 2000 by Ulstein Verft AS for Farstad Shipping ASA, Norway. The UT 730 is a Multifunctional Anchor Handling / Tug / Supply Vessel designed by Ulstein Ship Technology AS; Design dept.; to satisfy the new demands of the offshore industry as oil exploration and oil production moves into deeper waters.
The UT 730 is designed and arranged for a wide range of offshore operations. We mention: Laying and handling of anchors and mooring lines for offshore floating production platforms. Towing of production platforms and drilling platforms. Handling and installation of construction blocks and equipment.
2017: Still active - Far Santana - IMO 9196747
From June 2017, Deep Sea Supply, Solstad Shipping and Farstad Shipping became one joint shipowning company, from 1 October 2018 the joint company is named Solstad Offshore.
Length over all approx. 77,0 m
Length between p.p. 66,4 m
Breadth moulded 20,5 m
Depth moulded 8,0 m
Summer draught (moulded) 6,60 m
Ballast water 1968 m3
Fresh water 574 m3
Fuel oil (GO) 1144 m3
Cargo (rig) chain lockers, 4 in number (WB) 556 m3
Cargo deck area ~ 500 m2
Cargo deck dimensioning aft of fr. 10 15 T/m2
Cargo deck dimensioning fwd. of fr. 10 10 T/m2
Deck cargo (G = 1,0 m above deck) 1900 T
Deadweight at summer draught 6,60 m 2964 T
Gross tonnage, international 3485 GRT
Net tonnage, international 1045 NRT
DnV + 1A1, Tug, Supply Vessel, SF, EO, DynPos AUT, Ice C, Notation: tmon. Flag: NIS
Speed 18 knots
Bollard Pull 207 tonnes
M/V "Far Santana" is built with a hotel compliment of high standards and with capacity for totally 40 persons, with the following room distribution:
Two of one-bed cabins with day room and bedroom
Eight of one-bed cabins
Thirteen of two-bed cabins
One of four-bed cabin
All cabins with separate toilet/shower
Mess room and two day rooms in vicinity of galley
Laundry, hospital with reception and wardrobe
Dry provision room, refrigerated room, and freezer room
Two offices
Deck Cranes
One knuckle jib crane, 10 tonnes at 10 mtrs. 5 t-16 m
One knuckle jib crane, 2 tonnes at 16 mtrs., mobile, mounted on SB cargo rail, serving all work on deck including anchor handling area
Liquid Cargo Discharge Systems
Fuel oil pump, el. driven, 250 m3/h
Fresh water pump, el. driven, 250 m3/h
Ballast pump, el. driven, 265 m3/h
Flowmeter for FO and FW cargoes
Two ship tanks are prepared for eventual later installation of liquid mud system
Rudders / Steering Gears
Two High Lift Flap Rudders
Two Steering Gears
Side Thrusters
One Side Thruster forward, 883 kW
One Swing-up Compass Thruster forward, 883 kW
Two Side Thrusters aft, each of 883 kW
Roll Damping System
Two Passive Stabilizing Tank Systems
Dynamic Positioning System DnV AUT with:
Position Reference System: DGPS
Navigation / Communication
S-band ARPA radar and X-band TM radar
Electronic chart system (ECDIS)
Radio installation according to GMDSS - area
A3 Inmarsat C and Inmarsat B SatCom
TV Satellite antenna
Internal Communication
Advanced digital automatic telephone system
with analogue and digital extension ports,
with integrated PA system
Combined loudhailer and talkback system
Batteryless telephone system
Deck Machinery
Combined Windlass / Mooring Winch
Two Tugger Winches, pull 20 T
Two Capstans aft, pull 15 T
Two common Handling / Towing Winches with spooling gears. Capacity: 4000 m of 76 mm dia. wire, Low gear 400 T at 0 - 10 m/min., Brake holding load 500 T
One Special Handling Winch with spooling gear. Capacity: approx. 9000 m of 77 mm dia. wire, or 1600 m of 8 in. dia. rope. Low gear 400 T at 0 - 10 m/min.,Brake holding load 500 T
Two Secondary Winches with spooling device, Pull 134 T, Capacity: approx. 4200 m of 77 mm
wire, of 1600 m of 8 in. dia. syntetic rope
One Rope Reel for spare tow wire w. two fixed drums, pull 7,5 T, Capacity: 2 x 1400 m of 8 mm dia. wire rope
One Double Stern Roller, 500 T SWL, L6000, D4000
Two retractable anchor handling forks, 750 T SWL
Two retractable anchor handling forks, 500 T SWL
Two sets of retractable towing pins, 270 T SWL
Lifesaving Equipment
One FRC with approved one-armed davit
6 of life rafts for 20 persons
Machinery/Propulsion System
Main propulsion with four main engines and two main propellers. Modularized engine room
Four main engines, each of 3535 kW at 750 rpm
Two reduction gears, with declutchable primary PTO for shaft alternators
Two CP Main Propellers in Nozzles, each 7000 kW / dia. 4000 mm / speed 150 rpm
Hot Water Boiler
Boiler capacity: 250.000 kcal/h
Oil Purification Plant
One FO Separator, modularized
Two LO Separators, modularized
Air Compressors
Two Starting air compressor units
One Working air compressor
Instrument air drier
Fresh Water Generator
One FW generator, capacity 6 m3 per 24 hours
Video and monitoring system
A CCTV system for surveillance of main winches area
Monitors in wheelhouse
Electric Power Plant (440 Volt AC - 60 Hz)
Two shaft alternators, each of 3000 kVA
Two generator sets, each of 544 kVA
Emergency generator, 124 kVA
Electric Equipment
Main Switchboard 440 V / 220 V
Emergency Switchboard
Motor Control Centres
Control Consoles in bridge and engine control room
Multifunctional Automation System (UMAS-V) with integration (PC control) of:
- Alarm and Monitoring System
- Tanktender System (cargo control)
- Tank Sounding System
- Load Calculator