Magnulf Ulstein - managing director at 25
Magnulf Inge Ulstein was the oldest of Inga and Martin’s three sons. He was born on 14th July 1924. When his father died, Magnulf was just completing his engineering degree in Gothenburg.
Magnulf Ulstein
Shop foreman Per Andersen stepped in as managing director until Magnulf had finished school in Sweden, and in 1949, Magnulf came home to Ulsteinvik to take over the management of the company, just 25 years old.
The task entrusted to him was no light load to bear. Albeit, the company was by no means as large as it would be in a few years time, but it was growing steadily and demands were placed on the manager.
Magnulf Ulstein died on 7th July 1989.

The work force in autumn 1948.
1st row from left: Olav Welde, Ole Eksund, Per Andersen, Magnulf Ulstein, Osvald Ulstein, Karl Johan Hauge, Gudmund Sundgot, Kolbein Ole Ulstein. 2nd row from left: Martin Skogstrand (seated), Arnfinn Dimmen, Asbjørn Osnes (seated). 3rd row from left: Arnold Bø, Herman Nesset, Johs Rafteseth, Pål Garshol, Artur Eltvik, Vebjørn Garshol, Godtfred Monsen, Harald Moldskred, Olaf Svendsen, Nils N. Osnes. 4th row from left: Kjartan Klungsøyr, Peder N. Ulstein, Knut Marken. 5th row from left: Gudmund Wigg, Lidvar Røren, Peter Hasund, Ole Lars Ulstein, Lorentz Tollefsen, Harald Strandebø, Kjell Ertresvåg, Arne Ertresvåg, Idar Lars Ulstein (in knitted sweater), Hans Håvoll, Knut Gjerdsbakk, Einar Hasund, Kolbjørn Hasund, Anders Voldnes. They are standing in front of the machine workshop

The work force in 1956. First row: Pål Garshol, Otto Ulfstein, Osvald Ulstein, Magnulf Ulstein, Gudmund Sundgot, Nils N. Osnes, Karl Johan Hauge. Second row: Paulus Ulstein (customer, not employee), Oskar Risøy, Kolbein Ole Ulstein, Arnold Hendriksen, Norvald Eiken, Knut Strandabø, Olaf Svendsen, Ole Eksund, Martin Skogstrand, Knut Ertresvåg, Kolbjørn Hasund, Magne Gjerdsbakk, Olaf K. Saunes, Emil Olsen, Otto Per Standal, Idar Lars Ulstein. Third/four row: Torleif Haugen, Sevrin Gjerde, Kjell Nilsen, Jostein Osnes, Olaf Finnes, Andreas Skeide, Leif Dalehamn, Ola Moldvær, Andreas Djupvik, Arnfinn Dimmen, Peder Haddal, Adolf Løset, Magne Holen, Harald Garnes, Olaf Vikebakk, Karsten Ringstad, Knut Gjerdsbakk, Vebjørn Garshol, Lars Fylsvik, Ole Lars Ulstein, Hans Håvoll, Leif Breivik, Bjarne Gjerde, Einar Warholm, Hans Garnes, Leif Almestad, Karl Breivik.

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