Skroget etter ankomst til Kleven Verft

Frakta fiskebåt til Kleven

Kleven inngjekk nyleg ein kontrakt med Nordnes om å byggje om trål-/snurrevadskipet 'Nordbas', Forskipet vart frakta frå Solstrand Verft, Tomrefjord, til Kleven i Ulsteinvik ved hjelp av lekteren og dei to multiwheelarane frå Ulstein si tungløftsavdeling.

01 October 2019

Då Kleven i september 2019 skreiv avtale med reiarlaget NordnesGruppen på ombygging av eit trål-/snurrevadfartøy, var det tungløftsavdelinga i Ulstein som fekk oppdraget med å frakte skroget til Kleven i Ulsteinvik.

Tungløftsavdelinga til Ulstein Verft disponerer to multiwheelerar av typen Goldhofer SPMT (self-propelled module transporters) for å kunne flytte tyngre kolli. Desse vert typisk frakta på vår 'Flex' lekter saman med mobilkrana vår på oppdrag langs kysten.


Latest news

Launch expedition cruise ship Douglas Mawson IMG 2468

Launch of the Douglas Mawson

28 November 2024: The 'Douglas Mawson' expedition cruise vessel, an ULSTEIN CX103 design, has been successfully launched at the CMHI shipyard, China. 

The Douglas Mawson, featuring the ULSTEIN X-BOW, offers high passenger comfort with her immersive bow lounge and panoramic observation areas. She meets Solas 2020 stability requirements and is tailored to client specifications, accommodating up to 300 people.

Press Release

Introducing ULSTEIN® POWER VSG: Setting new standards in marine power efficiency

The ULSTEIN® POWER Variable Speed Generator (VSG) has been designed to optimise power generation on marine vessels by dynamically adjusting its speed to match load requirements. Together with technical measures and overall ship design, the operational results on the CSOV Olympic Boreas show a record-low 2.7-tonne fuel consumption per 24 hours during a week of DP operations. 

A birds view on Olympic Notos 20241005 Olympic Notos OCLIN 19 MARTIN GISKEGJERDE

Big fuel savings on first CSOV newbuilds with Ulstein’s TWIN X-STERN® concept

Taking bold commercial risks on novel vessel concepts with a strong focus on sustainability has made Olympic a pioneering player in the offshore energy sector. Its latest investment in a pair of new-build Construction Service Operation Vessels (CSOVs) based on Ulstein Group’s innovative TWIN X-STERN® solution has paid off, with close to 50% reductions in fuel consumption and emissions to boost environmental performance.

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Jostein Sørnes

Section leader Heavy Lift/NDT operator

Ulstein Verft AS