Normand Seven
At the delivery from Ulstein Verft, the 'Normand Seven' was a state-of-the-art offshore construction vessel for world-wide subsea operations. However, the vessel was converted into a pipelaying vessel immediately after delivery due to a charter.
Primary Specifications
Additional Data
Ship history
In 2007, the 'Normand Seven' was the largest offshore vessel so far from Ulstein Verft. There were a number of change orders during construction because a charter came in halfway through the building process.
Subsea 7 chartered the ship on an eight-year contract. After the delivery from Ulstein Verft, the vessel headed directly for Newcastle to be converted into a pipelaying vessel. Ulstein Verft did not have the capacity at that time to do the conversion but prepared the ship for the additional laying deck to be added. In Newcastle, the ship was equipped with ten 9.2-diameter reels, a 300t A-frame and a host of other pipelay equipment. In Brazil, the ship was to lay flexible production pipes at a depth of 2,000 metres on assignment for Petrobras for the first two years.
Ulstein Power & Control delivered ULSTEIN COM, switchboards, motor control centres, motor starters, consoles and a large marine electronics package including navigation and communication.
The vessel was awarded the "Ship of the Year" Award at Nor-Shipping 12th of June 2007.
2017: Still active - IMO 9367009
From June 2017, Deep Sea Supply, Solstad Shipping and Farstad Shipping became one joint shipowning company, from 1 October 2018 the joint company is named Solstad Offshore.