Service upc

On-board service any time

Our team of commissioning and service engineers is readily available to provide prompt on-board support. They can travel to any yard and harbour worldwide, to offer their services. Additionally, our service phone is operational 24/7, ensuring the continuous availability of our customer support team.

One single contact point

The Power & Control area is experienced in developing system solutions, control systems and products for vessels, and integrating individual products into larger systems. 

We streamline and simplify working with us by having one single point of contact that coordinates:

  • service
  • training
  • online support
  • retrofits
  • spare parts

We deliver lifetime services and spare parts worldwide. Our service engineers take on assignments including pre-commissioning, installation and commissioning of our own (ULSTEIN COM, ULSTEIN IAS, ULSTEIN BAS) and others' electrical systems and products.

Our Service contact phone is available 24/7, and all requests are logged in our customer database. In addition, we offer customised Service Agreements and Training for crew members.

Service 24/7

We have service engineers travelling to yards and harbours worldwide to perform service, and our service phone is manned 24 hours a day.

System services & upgrades

Polarcus Selma Oddgeir Aarseth service engineer IAS


To secure a long life-cycle of your ULSTEIN IAS system we have a range of upgrades available.

Segment Power


See our range of available retrofits and upgrades within the ULSTEIN POWER segment.



Keep your ULSTEIN COM on track with available retrofits & upgrades.

Service upc

On-board service any time

Our team of commissioning and service engineers is readily available to provide prompt on-board support. They can travel to any yard and harbour worldwide, to offer their services. Additionally, our service phone is operational 24/7, ensuring the continuous availability of our customer support team.

Marine Automation System based on ULSTEIN X-CONNECT_Ulstein and Eggs

System integration

Cutting-edge solutions that optimise vessel performance and enhance operational efficiency. 

Get in touch

Per Einar Moldskred DSC4336 comp bw

Per Einar Moldskred

Service Manager
Ulstein Power & Control AS
Per Einar Moldskred DSC4336 comp bw

Per Einar Moldskred

Service Manager

Ulstein Power & Control AS