Ulstein Bridge Vision

2013: ULSTEIN BRIDGE VISION® - DNB’s Innovation Award 2012

The concept of ULSTEIN BRIDGE VISION is awarded as the best innovation idea in Norway. ULSTEIN BRIDGE VISION is a concept for a modern ship bridge where safety in complex operations has been given major focus. A total of close to 700 ideas were received for the contest.
09 July 2013

ULSTEIN received DNB's Innovation Award 2012 of 1 mill NOK in the National Final in Trondheim on 12 March 2013.

"ULSTEIN BRIDGE VISION is about simplifying, being more efficient, and creating better and safer working conditions on the bridge", says Tore Ulstein responsible for Marketing & Innovation in ULSTEIN and continues: "Innovation is hard work in order to succeed. ULSTEIN annually invests several million NOK in R&D and the Award from DNB gives us the inspiration to work focused and long-term with further innovation processes together with our relations."

The jury said:

"The winner represents an innovative thinking within an area that has a great need for modernization. The jury emphasized that the idea is knowledge driven and can help to reinforce the Norwegian sector development and help lift the entire industry.

The winner works structurally and long-term for innovations and has used a holistic approach to compound needs. The idea is based on an industry with a long history and can help Norway retain a global advantage.

The idea originates in a strong industrial environment with extensive experience in innovation and high-tech projects. Resources from other industries and with other backgrounds are drawn into the process to look at possible solutions with fresh eyes.

The solution will set a new standard in this industry, which is one of the most important industry in Norway. The idea will help to significantly improve the standard and raising HSE where both people and property are better protected. The idea originates in a coastal industry. The candidate has emphasized design and functionality in an innovative way.

The jury believes that the company can successfully implement the idea. The winner of DnB's Innovation Award 2012 is Ulstein Power & Control with the idea ULSTEIN BRIDGE VISION."

The jury's quote in Norwegian:

«Årets vinner representerer en innovativ tenkning innenfor et område med et stort behov for modernisering. Juryen har vektlagt at ideen er kunnskapsdrevet og kan bidra til å forsterke norsk næringsutvikling og bidra til å løfte en hel bransje.

Vinneren jobber strukturert og langsiktig med innovasjon og har angrepet et sammensatt behov helhetlig. Ideen tar utgangspunkt i en industri med lange tradisjoner og kan bidra til at Norge beholder et globalt fortrinn.

Ideen har utspring i et sterkt industrielt miljø med lang erfaring fra innovasjon og høyteknologiske prosjekter. Miljøer med svært ulik bakgrunn trekkes inn i prosessen og ser på mulige løsninger med friske øyne.

Løsningen vil sette en ny standard innenfor næringen som er en av de viktigste i Norge. Ideen vil kunne bidra til betydelig forbedring og standardheving innenfor HMS der både mennesker og materielle verdier beskyttes bedre. Ideen har utgangspunkt i en kystnær bransje. Kandidaten har vektlagt design og funksjonalitet på en nyskapende måte.

Juryen har tro på at selskapet kan lykkes med å realisere ideen. Vinneren av DNBs Innovasjonspris 2012 er Ulstein Power & Control med ideen ULSTEIN BRIDGE VISION.»

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