To a shipowner, it is reassuring that Ulstein not only have the design and engineering capabilities to redesign or upgrade the vessel and the people to perform the classification of Ulstein's power & automation system deliveries. Ulstein also has a pool of electricians who can assist in the power flexibility of the vessels. For Aurora Offshore, that opened an opportunity to have shore power installed whilst other Ulstein activities were ongoing.
The classifications and shore power installations have been carried out on the Aurora Power and Aurora Protector in 2023. Aurora Storm will be classed in 2024 and has shore power connection installed already.
A smooth project: "They knew what to do"
"When having the classification work done of the Ulstein Power and Automation deliveries, we found it very convenient to choose Ulstein also for the shore power installation," says Kenn Marius Ludvigsen, who is technical manager at Aurora Offshore.
"We had a superb team from Ulstein on board. They were very experienced, they knew what to do, and didn't need to ask us any questions. The work progressed smoothly and was a success," states Ludvigsen.
Ulstein's aftermarket personnel support and service customers for the complete range of all components. Ulstein specialises in system integration on ships, offering cutting-edge solutions that optimise vessel performance and enhance operational efficiency. One of the key advantages is Ulstein's ability to integrate seamlessly with existing ship systems. This ensures a smooth transition and minimal disruption during the implementation process.