Aft ship move yno 302 dockhall

Important milestone for record build

Ulstein Verft's largest newbuild so far, yno 302, has reached an important milestone: Its aft ship was transported into the Ulstein Verft dock hall.
30 May 2015
  • Getting ready for the aft ship move
  • Cleaning off the salt water from the aft ship hull

Early Tuesday morning on 28 April 2015, the tow of the aft ship arrived the yard premises. Next in line was to move the 6,500 t section into the dock and connect it to the foreship which is positioned inside the dock hall. Watch the timelapse here.

When yno 302 is completed, the Offshore Construction vessel will have a length of almost 160 m and be 30 m wide. The state-of-the-art-ship is jointly owned by Norway-based shipowner Island Offshore and US-based shipowner Edison Chouest Offshore.

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