20210828 Natioanl Geographic Resolution on seatrial

National Geographic Resolution

A state-of-the-art polar expedition cruise ship. The ship’s expanded fuel and water tanks provide for extended operations in remote areas. The ship has the highest comfort class for guests to ensure a quiet and peaceful environment onboard. ​Due to Polar Code 5, the ship can operate year-round in polar environments.

Vessel Type
Related Solutions
Owned By
Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc.
Built By
Ulstein Verft AS
Yard Number
IMO Number
Operated By
Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc.

Primary Specifications

124.4 m
21 m
Dead weight
Approx 1,250 tonnes
Draught (max)
Approx 5.3 m
Speed (max)
16.5 kn
260 POB

Additional Data

Note: Specifications may have changed since the original completion date.
Classifications: 1A✠, PassengerShip, ECO, NAUT(AW), PC(5), CleanDesign, BWM(T), Recyclable, COMF-V(1), COMF-C(1), VIBR, Silent(E), BIS, LCS(DC).PolarcodeCategoryA
  • National Endurance Resolution on sea trial
  • National Geographic Resolution on sea trial in the fjords of Norway CR Ulstein Group uavpic com
  • Aerial view National Geographic Resolution CR Ulstein Group uavpic com

Ship history


2019, Feb: Contract signed

2019, 28 May: Steel cutting

2019, 18 Sep: Keel laying 

2020, 22 Oct: Hull arrival Ulstein Verft

2021, 9 Jun: Launch from the dock hall at Ulstein Verft

2021, Aug: Sea trial

2021, 30 Sep: Delivery

IMO 9880685

Oclin Ulstein Lindblad2

'National Geographic Resolution' has been named to honour the legendary explorer James Cook. Captain Cook was the first to circumnavigate Antarctica, cross the Antarctic Circle, and the first European to reach Hawaii. While he captained several ships in his career, his favourite was the 'MS Resolution'. The newbuild is a sister ship to the National Geographic Endurance, yard number 312 at Ulstein Verft.

Resolution Endurance Explorer 1

The 126-guest Polar Class 5 Category A vessel features the ULSTEIN X-BOW, a distinctive bow that provides fuel efficiency while significantly improving guest comfort in rough seas; and a very high ice class for access deep into Polar Regions. The ship's expanded fuel and water tanks provide for extended operations in remote areas; while the zero-speed stabilizers will ensure stability, whether at zero speed or full steam ahead.

In 2022, the vessel was a nominee for the Ship of the Year Award.

Get in touch

Lars Ståle Skoge DSC4468 comp bw

Lars Ståle Skoge

Commercial Director
Ulstein Design & Solutions AS
Lars Ståle Skoge DSC4468 comp bw

Lars Ståle Skoge

Commercial Director

Ulstein Design & Solutions AS