Keel Laying 'National Geographic Resolution'.

Celebrates keel laying of Lindblad’s second polar cruise newbuild

Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc. and Ulstein Group celebrated the keel laying of Lindblad’s second polar new build at the CRIST shipyard in Gdynia, Poland. The occasion also served as the official naming ceremony of the vessel. National Geographic Resolution was named to honour the legendary explorer James Cook.

08 October 2019
  • National Geographic Resolution


Captain James Cook was the first to circumnavigate Antarctica, cross the Antarctic Circle, and the first European to reach Hawaii. While he captained several ships in his career, his favorite was the 'MS Resolution'.

The newbuild is sister ship to the National Geographic Endurance which is being finalized at Ulstein Verft. The 126-guest Polar Class 5 Category A vessel will feature Ulstein's X-BOW, a distinctive bow that provides fuel efficiency while significantly improving guest comfort in rough seas; and a very high ice class for access deep into Polar Regions. The ship's expanded fuel and water tanks provide for extended operations in remote areas; while the zero-speed stabilizers will ensure stability, whether at zero speed or full steam ahead.

A highlight of the ceremony was the traditional laying of the commemorative silver coin, the Hawaii Sesquicentennial half dollar, struck in 1928 by the United States Bureau of the Mint in honor of the 150th anniversary of Captain James Cook's landing in Hawaii. The rare vintage coin is owned by Sven Lindblad and depicts Captain Cook on the obverse and a Hawaiian chieftain on the reverse.

Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc. is an expedition travel company that works in partnership with National Geographic to inspire people to explore and care about the planet. The organizations work in tandem to produce innovative marine expedition programmes and to promote conservation and sustainable tourism around the world. The partnership's educationally oriented voyages allow guests to interact with and learn from leading scientists, naturalists and researchers while discovering stunning natural environments, above and below the sea, through state-of-the-art exploration tools.

Ulstein Group has developed the ship design for the Lindblad duo and is responsible for the completion and delivery of the vessels from their own yard, Ulstein Verft in Ulsteinvik, Norway.

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Lars Ståle Skoge

Commercial Director
Ulstein Design & Solutions AS

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Lars Ståle Skoge DSC4468 comp bw

Lars Ståle Skoge

Commercial Director

Ulstein Design & Solutions AS