Ulstein received Nor-Shipping's Innovation award 2015.

2015: ULSTEIN X-STERN® - Next Generation Ship Award 2015

The X-STERN® solution was awarded the Next Generation Ship Award at the Nor-Shipping opening conference. Innovative ship design is the main criteria in the awarding of this Prize.

09 July 2015

With its focus on innovation, the Next Generation Ship Award recognises the most promising design among the ships that will be at sea in the coming decade and is awarded to the ship project demonstrating the greatest advances and innovation in design. The design is assessed with respect to energy efficiency, innovation, suitability and flexibility, utilisation of technology, safety and security and environmental sustainability.

Eligible projects are those that are contracted but not delivered or are likely to be contracted and built within the next 10 years. ULSTEIN has contracted the first two vessels featuring the X-STERN, which have been put to use on the SX175 designed offshore wind service vessels to be built by Ulstein Verft for Bernhard Schulte Offshore.

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