Esvagt Bergen
Esvagt's multipurpose ERRV vessels are flexible and support the offshore oil and gas industry with highly specialised services such as towing, oil spill response or firefighting. The ‘Esvagt Bergen’ can operate as a standby vessel at North Sea oil rigs in cases of emergency as well as supply and anti-pollution work.
Primary Specifications
Additional Data
Ship history
In the summer of 2007, the Factoria Naval Marin (FNM) shipyard (now: Astilleros NODOSA) signed a contract for the construction of two 80-metre long X-BOW® ships, Esvagt Stavanger and Esvagt Bergen. These two units were to perform the job of the three other ships. Both vessels are operating for Equinor.
The Esvagt Bergen is constructed in accordance with standby rules and can operate as a standby/rescue vessel for 320 survivors.
Sommaren 2007 skreiv det spanske verftet Factoria Naval Marin (no: Astilleros NODOSA) kontrakt på bygginga av to 80-meter lange X-BOW-skip, Esvagt Stavanger og Esvagt Bergen. Desse to skipa skulle utføre jobben som tre andre skip kunne gjere. Begge skipa arbeider for Equinor.
Esvagt Bergen er bygd i samsvar med standby-regelverk og kan operere som eit standby-/redningsfartøy for 320 overlevande.
2023: Still active - IMO 9431563