Larga and Aprion web


A PX121 platform supply vessel. Ulstein provides a comprehensive design & equipment package that includes basic and detail design, all major equipment, site support/construction consultancy and commissioning.

Owned By
ITG Group
Built By
Partner yard
IMO Number
Operated By
ITG Group

Primary Specifications

83.4 m
18 m
Dead weight
approx. 4,000 tonnes
Draught (max)
6.7 m
Speed (max)
14.5 kn
30 POB
Deck area
840 sqm

Additional Data

Fuel oil (cargo and domestic)
1,475 sqm
Fresh water (cargo and domestic)
1,055 sqm
Water ballast/drillwater
1,620 sqm
1,295 sqm
1,295 sqm
505 sqm
Note: Specifications may have changed since the original completion date.
Classifications: DnV1A1, OffshoreServiceVessel, SF, E0, DYNPOS-AUTR, CLEAN DESIGN, NAUTOSV( A), COMF-V(3), LFL*, Fire Fighter I, OILREC, BIS
PX121 ROC delivery Ulstein representatives web
Ulstein representatives at the delivery ceremony.

Ship history

IMO Number: 9698616

Ship history

2023, 26 June: Two Platform Supply Vessels of Ulstein design delivered

On 26 June 2023, two Ulstein-designed vessels of the proven ULSTEIN PX121 design, built at ROC China, were successfully delivered to their new owner. The sister ships have been named Larga and Aprion, respectively. The delivery of these two vessels marks the successful completion of all 18 PX121 ships built in China.

The two PX121 vessels at ROC were contracted in 2013 for the ITG Group, with Ulstein providing design and equipment packages for the project. The ships were constructed to European standards, but their delivery was impacted due to challenging market conditions. Throughout this period, the shipyard, owner, and Ulstein have worked closely together to maintain the vessels' performance and promote them in the international market. Ulstein Electrical Technology in Ningbo has also provided restart services to prepare the ships for delivery.

John Ren, Vice President of ROC, shared his thoughts on the project:

It has been both a challenging and rewarding journey leading up to today, and we are very happy to see our vessels ready for work. We always believed that their innovative design and high-class finishing would lead to a bright future. The market has proven that the PX121 vessels remain highly competitive among their peers, even after ten years. We are glad to have chosen strong partners in the industry, such as ITG, Ulstein, and DNV. We extend our heartfelt thanks for their professionalism, dedication, and support to our company, and we hope to continue our cooperation with more projects together.

The PX121 design has been the most popular of all the platform supply vessel (PSV) designs from Ulstein due to the competitive combination of fuel efficiency and cargo capacities/deadweight. This translates to a performance level that is usually expected from larger PSVs but at a medium-sized PSV cost - delivering excellent value-for-money for the owner and operator.

Get in touch

Lars Ståle Skoge DSC4468 comp bw

Lars Ståle Skoge

Commercial Director
Ulstein Design & Solutions AS
Lars Ståle Skoge DSC4468 comp bw

Lars Ståle Skoge

Commercial Director

Ulstein Design & Solutions AS