The management system certificate ISO 9001:2015 helps ensure that customers get consistent, good quality products and services.
Kristian Sætre and Odd-Magne Koppen at Ulstein Verft accepted the ISO certificate handed out by DNV's Trond Øvrelid.
"The advantage of an ISO9001 certification is that Ulstein Verft can provide proof of their systematic approach in handling all processes in the project and the company. The systematics helps to identify the way you work, and makes sure that all is done right the first time and can be repeated", says Trond Øvrelid.
"The company gains a firm position by being independent of the individuals working there. It is not the good will that changes a culture, but the good habits. It is therefore important that all employees are involved in the process," states Øvrelid.
"This has been two years of hard work where many people in the company have been involved. Thanks to everyone for the effort laid down in this process", comments Kristian Sætre.
QHSE coordinator Odd-Magne Koppen says they chose an approach in the certification process with a broad involvement of those who will be using the management system on a daily basis. "It's been a pleasure working on this. Many have contributed, and the leader group has kept a steady course during the process," he emphasizes.
ISO 9001:2015 provides a framework for a well-organized quality management system, based on principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement.
The purpose of the ISO9001 standard is to:
- Improve the general work
- Sustainable development
- Secure trust in products and services
- Consistently meet requirements
- Strengthen the company by making customers even more content
- Avoid costs that are not meticulous
- Reduce mistakes and waste
- Improve internal communication
- Improve control of processes
- Achieve desired results through controlled management
- Ensure agreed quality in goods and services