The schooner IDEAL has been launched by the Ulstein Verft heavylift crane

Launch of the schooner ‘IDEAL’

On 31 May 2016, the heavy lift department at Ulstein Verft launched the 120-foot schooner, ‘IDEAL’, in Kristiansund, Norway. The schooner is a newbuild replica of a 1910 version, and will be used for educational purposes and maritime recruitment.
  • IDEAL after launching
  • The schooner IDEAL prior to launching
  • IDEAL is a newbuild replica of a 1910 schooner

The heavy lift department at Ulstein Verft is present in the county of Nordmøre for a fortnight in connection with several lifting assignments. Their barge, multiwheeler and 600t crawler crane are involved in these assignments, and it was natural for Ulstein to volunteer for the IDEAL launch.

The original schooner was built in 1910 at Skaalurens Skipsbyggeri in Rosendal, Hardanger.

Capacities: Terex crane

Home page schooner project:

Sjøsette skonnerten IDEAL

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Jostein Sørnes

Section leader Heavy Lift/NDT operator

Ulstein Verft AS