Per Jarle Ytrebø values the cooperation with Blue Ctrl.
"We installed eleven operating stations and ensured the physical connections of the solution. As soon as this had been done, Blue Ctrl took over and started to set up the system," he explains.
The IAS system on the Nexans Aurora is based on the X-CONNECT? platform from Blue Ctrl, and Eirik Hareide from Blue Ctrl is currently performing testing of solution at one of the operating stations on board.
"It is a large system with much equipment that need to be tested, but all has gone well so far", he comments.

What is the benefit of X-CONNECT?
"It is a stable solution", answers Eirik. Per Jarle adds that the monitors and the user interface at the operator stations are simply working: "There are few errors to be found."
Strict system requirements before the system is admitted on board are also valuable to avoid errors. The system must pass an FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) before being sent on board.
On Nexans Aurora, there is much to be done to be sure everything works as it should. Per Jarle reads from a 250-page folder containing numerous checkpoints which must all be signed out. It is the yard's responsibility to create this IO list, and all subcontractors must sign out their systems.
On board the Nexans Aurora, 12 large IO cabinets have been installed. The cabinets are packed with grouped wires to form loops. The loops must be complete in order for the signals to reach the operating stations. The work requires patience and accuracy as every loop is tested.
"The critical point is to make sure that all the loops are intact, and this is an Ulstein Elektro Installasjon responsibility," says Per Jarle.
Back in the control room, Eirik is conducting more tests.
"We will soon start testing the PMS (Power Management System), which is a milestone in the project. We are ahead of schedule, which is very rewarding", says Eirik, smiling, before his attention once more returns to one of the control room monitors.