Sinoocean signing agreement

Ulstein and Sinoocean signed a framework agreement on spare parts and aftermarket services

Ulstein Electrical Technology (UET) signed a cooperation agreement with Sinoocean Offshore Assets Management Limited (Sinoocean) on 10 January 2022, where UET will provide spare parts and after-market services to Sinoocean’s fleet.

18 January 2022
  • Representatives from Sinoocean and Ulstein at the signing of the framework agreement.
  • Guo Hai Min Xing, an ULSTEIN PX121 design owned by Sinoocean.
  • Meeting Sinoocean and Ulstein

Sinoocean is a major player in the offshore business in China. Being a state-owned offshore asset management company, it holds a fleet of 58 rigs, 34 Platform Supply Vessels & Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessels as well as ten other types of offshore units. Four Ulstein designed Platform Supply Vessels of the PX121 design which have been built at SWS and four that have been built at Wuchang shipyard are now under the ownership and management of Sinoocean.

Sustainable marine solutions

Sinoocean comments: "Ulstein is a world leader and well-recognized ship design company in the offshore sector, and they are also the designer and equipment & system integrator of our eight PSVs of the PX121 design. We are happy to extend our cooperation by signing this framework, we believe the experience and innovative spirit of Ulstein will bring efficient, cost-effective and sustainable marine solutions to our assets."

"Sinoocean is a well-established and internationally oriented company. We are happy to hear that both the owner and charterer are satisfied with the performance that the PX121 vessels have delivered. With our experience and knowledge in offshore, we are looking forward to more cooperation with Sinoocean ahead, not only in offshore oil and gas but also extending to the renewable energy," said Johannes Røren, managing director of Ulstein Group's companies in China.

Ulstein Electrical Technology was established in 2013 and is located in Ningbo, China. As part of Ulstein's global service network, the company offers technical consulting, installation, commissioning and after-sales services to Ulstein's customers.

Since 1917, Norway-headquartered Ulstein Group has been a specialist in shipbuilding, ship design, marine systems and solutions. Within the service area, Ulstein provides business development, design and engineering, and marine service, retrofits and upgrades worldwide, with hubs in Norway, China and Brazil.

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Johannes Røren

Managing Director
Ulstein Marine Systems (Shanghai) Co. Ltd

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Johannes Røren

Managing Director

Ulstein Marine Systems (Shanghai) Co. Ltd