Best Industrial Design Company 2019

2019: Awarded 'Best Industrial Design Company'

Ulstein has been appointed 'Best Industrial Design Company 2019'. Jury statement: A venturous company with solid experience that holds a strong IPR strategy. They are flexible, having moved from oil to offshore wind and sustainable solutions. Their characteristic design is the ocean's answer to the iconic Coca-Cola bottle.

04 October 2019

Several other awards were also handed out at the Industrial Design Conference at Giske near Ålesund on 3 October 2019; Our congratulations go to Jets Vacuum, winner of the Sustainability Award, Tango Seaweed for Best Industrial Newcomer and Nye Ålesund kommune for Brand of the Year!

Their characteristic design is the ocean's answer to the iconic Coca-Cola bottle.

Extract from the Jury statement

Best Industrial Company 

The Best Industrial Design Company Award goes to a company that actively uses design in the development and production of its products, and promotes design through several parts of the organization and in this way creates improved products and increases value creation - strategically and holistically.

The jury was composed of representatives from DOGA (Design and Architecture Norway), AHO (The Oslo School of Architecture and Design), NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), EGGS Design and Next Digital.

The jury statement: 

"Ulstein excels in taking a holistic design perspective in product design, industrial design and interaction design, and in its design focus on the user when developing and producing their innovative products. The company has solid experience, is venturous, and holds a strong IPR strategy with brand registrations, design protection and several patented solutions. Ulstein demonstrates its flexibility and has moved from oil to offshore wind and further to other sustainable solutions. The company can be characterised by its distinctive ship design that is visible at miles' distance - the ocean's response to the iconic Coca-Cola bottle."

Best Industrial Design Company 2019

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