Jakob Sobotko, project manager Crist, and Marius Bergseth, CCO Olympic, at the steel cutting ceremony of Olympic's first CSOV.

Start-up of the Olympic CSOV shipbuilding projects

CSOV vessels underway: The steel cutting ceremony of Ulstein Verft’s yard number 318 was carried out today at the hull yard, Crist, on 18 November 2022. The vessel is the first of two offshore wind newbuilds for the Norway-based shipowner Olympic, and both are planned for delivery in 2024.

18 November 2022
  • Steel cutting ceremony Yno 318.
  • Steel cutting ceremony of the Olympic CSOV, yard number 318.
  • TWIN X-STERN: ULSTEIN SX222 CSOV-design for Olympic.
  • The steel cutting has started, and the newbuild project has officially started.

The steel cutting is the first milestone in a shipbuilding project and symbolises its start-up. Marius Bergseth, Chief Operational Officer in Olympic executed the first cut. 

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The vessels are based on the ULSTEIN SX222 CSOV (Construction Service Operation Vessel) design from Ulstein Design & Solutions AS. They are among the first vessels to implement the TWIN X-STERN®, a ship with two sterns and main propeller units in each end to increase flexibility and operability.

Innovation is thriving in the maritime cluster of Sunnmøre

When meeting the Ulstein employees after signing the newbuild contract, Olympic's CEO Stig Remøy stated that:

"Renewable energy is the future as we are transitioning away from fossil fuels, although we will still depend on them for decades. The development of vessels has been formidable. Looking back at our first vessels, which at the time were at the forefront of fuel efficiency, and now these CSOV vessels, the reduction in fuel consumption is impressive. The offshore wind market is rapidly developing, and the newbuilds will set a standard for a new generation of offshore wind vessels, increasing the operational window while reducing emissions.

"Innovation, development, creative zest" - these qualities are all thriving in the maritime cluster of Sunnmøre in Norway. We decided to order these vessels from Ulstein Verft for two reasons: Quality and on-time delivery. We have built six vessels at Ulstein Verft before, all were delivered on time, all with high quality, and we strongly believe that Ulstein will manage this again. We are very happy to place these orders in the Sunnmøre cluster and keep in mind, as an appendix to the two firm contracts, there are also two newbuild options."

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Teaming up and pushing for progress

"It is important to work closely together to achieve results, and this project was made possible because the ship owner, the yard and the suppliers teamed up. Being a part of this interaction is very exciting, with all parties pushing for progress and solutions," says Kolbjørn Moldskred, Sales Manager Newbuilds at Ulstein Verft.

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Lars Ståle Skoge DSC4468 comp bw

Lars Ståle Skoge

Commercial Director
Ulstein Design & Solutions AS

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Lars Ståle Skoge DSC4468 comp bw

Lars Ståle Skoge

Commercial Director

Ulstein Design & Solutions AS