Windea TBN in the dock hall at Ulstein Verft.

Testing the Energy Management System for the Yno 315

The Energy Management System on Bernhard Schulte’s next offshore wind vessel was recently tested in the lab at Ulstein. Soon, real-life testing will commence when the vessel leaves for sea trial.

  • Testing the Energy Management System for Bernhard Schulte's newbuild.

Ulstein Design & Solutions AS has developed an Energy Management System (EMS) in order to control the energy flow between the switchboard and the batteries, firstly to be taken in use on the Yno 315 newbuild at Ulstein Verft for Bernhard Schulte.

The system is covering demanding operations for peak shaving and spinning reserve and will allow the vessel to operate only one diesel engine even in DP (Dynamic Positioning) operations.

The ULSTEIN EMS system was recently presented to the shipyard and ship owner. On this occasion, the representatives were given insight in the operation of the EMS and battery systems on board the vessel. The introduction was held in a testlab, where the EMS was connected to various signal simulators in order to create an operational environment.

This introduction was performed in a lab, but real-life testing is soon to be carried out, during the vessel's upcoming sea trial this winter.

The newbuild is a Service Operation Vessel for the offshore wind industry and will be working for GE Renewable Energy on the Merkur Offshore Wind Farm offshore Germany.

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